Today we speak to Tim Hollo about his book "Living Democracy". We talk about some of the deficiencies in democracy as we currently envision it, and some of the other possibilities of how we could live in a society where everyone gets a say in the things that affect us.
Originally broadcast 14/03/25
Today we speak to Christian and Tim from the Peoples History of Australia podcast. They have been covering all kinds of stories from the past of ordinary people working together to make this country a better place.
Originally broadcast 31/01/25
Today we are remembering Dundalli - Aboriginal resistance fighter, executed in the middle of Brisbane 170 years ago. I speak to historian Libby Connors about who Dundalli was, and to author Melissa Lucashenko about the importance of remembering.
Originally broadcast 03/01/25
Today's show is a Christmas special - I speak to Usama Nicola in Bethlehem. Two millennia on from the original christmas story, we hear how in Jesus' birthplace there is still restricted movement, the mass killing of children, the fleeing of refugees, but still hope to be found in unlikely places.
Originally broadcast 20/12/24
Today we are talking deforestation. I speak to ecologist David Lindenmayer about his book "The Forest Wars", and to Hannah Thomas who has been studying why Qld has some of the highest rates of deforestation in the world.
Originally broadcast 01/11/24
Today's show is a report back from the People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Port - which happened over the last few weeks in Newcastle and Canberra. Hear from organisers and people who took direct action against the fossil fuel industry!
Originally broadcast 06/12/24
Today we chat to Vesna Cerroni about her time in Otpor - the group of Serbian students who at the turn of this century were able to build a movement that could non-violently overthrow dictator Slobodan Milosevic.
Originally broadcast 22/11/24
Today we chat with Holly Hammond from the Commons Library about activist strategy - how to think strategically and plan to change the world for the better!
Originally broadcast 08/11/24
Today on the Paradigm Shift it's an anti-royalty special! I speak to Aboriginal activist Wayne Wharton about his thwarted attempts this week to serve the king with legal papers, and to Esther Anatolitis from the Australian Republican Movement.
Originally broadcast 25/10/24